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How We Worship

According to the Heidelberg Catechism, the second commandment teaches that we may not worship God by images, but that in the worship of God we worship him in no other way than he has commanded in his word. This principle regulates all that is done in the worship of Crete Protestant Reformed Church.


In that worship the preaching of the word is central, because God will have his people taught by the lively preaching of his word. We reject anything that would intrude itself on the preaching or seek to take its place in the worship service.


In the worship collections for the poor and for the other causes of the kingdom of heaven are diligently taken.


We believe that God's word in the fourth commandment sets apart one day in seven, Sunday, for the public gatherings of the church for worship and that the believer may not forsake the assembling together of the church for worship. We gather twice on the Lord's Day with our children to worship God by hearing his word, using the sacraments, publicly calling on his name in prayer, and contributing to the relief of the poor as becomes Christians.


In our worship we carry on the Reformed practice of weekly exposition of the Christian faith by preaching the Heidelberg Catechism in the morning worship service.


Although in our worship services we do not exclusively sing the psalms, we believe that God's word guides us to sing the psalms diligently. Although certain select hymns, such as the Lord's Prayer and the songs of Mary, Zechariah, and Simeon may also be sung, we believe that the psalms hold pride of place in the worship of the church. In our worship we come before the holy God of heaven and earth and believe that the worship of God must be characterized by reverence, holiness, and truth.



In the worship services the sacraments are faithfully administered. Baptism is administered to the infants of believers in the congregation and to adult converts who make confession of their faith.



In the administration of the Lord's Supper, we believe that it is the calling of the elders faithfully to guard the table against any profaning of that table by unworthy partakers. This practice of guarding the table by the elders is called close communion.

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